Gayle Manning

Educational Psychologist

Gayle worked as an Educational Psychologist for a Local Education Authority since 1998.

Gayle’s experience includes: Preschool children, Nursery schools, Primary schools, Post-primary schools and Special schools and units.

Since 2004 she’s been a Specialist Senior Educational Psychologist having responsibility for: Social, emotional and behavioural issues, Supervision and Critical incident response to parents and families.

Parents can request assessment of their child’s educational needs. This involves individual assessment focussing on:

•Underlying ability

•Educational attainment

•Social and emotional development and approach to learning.

•Consultation with home, school and other relevant professionals.

•Production of a detailed written report identifying strengths, needs and potentially helpful interventions.

For schools she provides staff and parent training on a range of issues including:

•Positive behaviour management

•Solution focused approaches

•Impact of trauma

• Social and emotional issues

• Attachment issues

•Supervision and staff support

•Critical Incident preparation and support

•Promoting mental health

•Understanding developmental disorders.

•Pupil assessments to identify needs, help target resources effectively and highlight useful strategies.

•Assessments for examination access arrangements.

•Consultation and facilitation on a wide range of pastoral, special educational needs and school-based issues.